Employing PHWE To Explore Natural Products Chemistry In Undergraduate Lab l Protocol Preview
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Employing Pressurized Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) to Explore Natural Products Chemistry in the Undergraduate Laboratory – a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol
Curtis C. Ho, Bianca J. Deans, Jeremy Just, Gregory G. Warr, Shane Wilkinson, Jason A. Smith, Alex C. Bissember
University of Tasmania, School of Natural Sciences – Chemistry; The University of Sydney, School of Chemistry;
Here, we employ a pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) method, which utilizes an unmodified household espresso machine to introduce undergraduates to natural products chemistry in the laboratory. Two experiments are presented: PHWE of eugenol and acetyleugenol from cloves and PHWE of seselin and (+)-epoxysuberosin from the Australian plant Correa reflexa.
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