Washing clothes with Natural products | Ecodetergent | Soapnuts | Bio-enzyme | Washing machine
How clothes are shining while using Chemical detergents? https://youtu.be/Z9rJWoatXfo...
Continue readingHow clothes are shining while using Chemical detergents? https://youtu.be/Z9rJWoatXfo...
Continue readingIn this video we have studied alkaloids for bsc 3rd year organic chemistry Natural Products. 📌Alkaloids Notes PDF📝 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MMNgsz94sOUseWX4z6RUnkU26SESeSZw/view?usp=drivesdk 📌Natural Products Playlist👇 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYkY3qkT69G7pW-8OEyrssSJ-ihk36y_P 📌Download B.SC Notes and Papers from the Website👇 https:// 📌Join Telegram Group👇 https://t.me/padhaikasafar 📌For any queries you may connect us with our Instagram page👇 https://www.instagram.com/padhai_ka_safar #naturalproducts #alkaloids...
Continue readingThe Soul Food Company is on a mission to grow & source natural & organic products & bring them right to your doorstep....
Continue readingధూపం వెనుక ఇంత కధా.. | GowDurbar Natural Products Making Video | Pooja Agarbatti Making | SumanTv #sumantvwomen GowDurbar company inspired by Ancient Ayurvedic Formulae offers 100% PURE, ECO-FRIENDLY, SWADESI, COW- BASED products in Pooja, Body-care & Health diet lines at affordable prices. Visit Website : https://gowdurbar.com/ &...
Continue readingPRODUCTS MENTIONED IN VIDEO Alikay Naturals Lemongrass leave in Conditioner Natural Oasis Fruit , Herb and flower Balm http://stepbystepnaturalhairstyling.com/naturaloasisediblehairandskincareproducts/fruit-herb-flowers-setting-lotion-4-tea-bags-with-spray-bottle Natural Oasis Honey and Jojoba Creme Liquid Balm http://stepbystepnaturalhairstyling.com/naturaloasisediblehairandskincareproducts/ Eco Styler Crystal Castor oil/Flax seed Music Producer: Kaisa Dennis [email protected] FAQ: Where are you from? British Virgin Islands How long have you been Natural? Lifetime. What is your hair...
Continue readingLas Mascarillas Nevada están diseñadas para cada tipo de piel la cual puede hidratar, nutrir, purificar, aclarar y regenerar la piel, haciéndola lucir más joven y natural. http://nevadaperu.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=83_92 / https://www.facebook.com/productosnevadaperu/...
Continue reading*NOT SPONSORED* OLIM natural serums review | BEST & WORST PRODUCTS OF OLIM NATURALS please take a moment and subscribe my channel Follow lme on insta:🧴 https://instagram.com/zaza_experience?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Follow for books recommendations:📖 https://instagram.com/escapefromreality0_0?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Follow me on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@zazaexperience? OLIM NATURAL PRODUCT LINKS https://click.daraz.pk/e/_CYgb7d Tags 🏷 Olim naturals serum reviews Olim serums honest...
Continue readingMarketing Strategy for the Natural Products | Farmer Akbar | hmtv Agri (9966643666-Akbar) #naturalfarming #agriculture #farmer #hmtvagri...
Continue readingScientists have discovered bacteria and fungi that fight each other, producing promising anti-cancer and antibiotic natural products. Join us on the journey of learning more about biology and microbes, acid mine drainage (AMD), natural product chemistry, total synthesis and organic chemistry reaction mechanisms. Even if you...
Continue reading#OrganicFood#organicfoodfest#biofachidia#Biofach#NaturalExpo2022#NaturalExpoIndia2022#NoidaExpo#OrganicFarming#OrganicFoodFest2022 The 14th edition of BIOFACH INDIA co - located with NATURAL EXPO INDIA and the premier show of MILLETS INDIA will take place from 1 – 3 September 2022 at the India Expo Mart (IEML), Greater Noida, Delhi NCR. Organised by NürnbergMesse India in collaboration...
Continue readingHello friends Here I am discussing MCQ on NATURAL PRODUCTS-TERPENOIDS AND ALKLOIDS. This is is important topic for all 12th ,UG PG students. Important link For synthesis of citral https://youtu.be/UFDAX9Ambt8 Reactions of citral https://youtu.be/nIAK4FmqVMk Structure determination of citral https://youtu.be/U4nrI96YOW8 ...
Continue readingDandruff is a common scalp ailment that causes itching and dryness. These tiny, loose white flakes can cause several other scalp problems. A lot of chemical-based products are available in the market to get rid of dandruff. But today we will give you the ultimate...
Continue readingCitral is naturally occurring terpenoid isolated from lemon grass oil. As it contains two isoprene units it is monoterpenoid. It's structure determination / elucidation is explained in detail. It's analytical and synthetical evidences are discussed. There is correction in first slide, The MF of Citral...
Continue reading#pgtrb chemistry online classes going on join immediately 8667766399 #trb chemistry #natural products #cholesterol #steroids...
Continue readingHey Everyone, Welcome! Today's video is about me expressing why do we use preservatives in cosmetic products, what is broad-spectrum?, What is Eco-cert preservatives, What does cosmos mean and so much more. ▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:00 - Intro Leucidal Liquid Radish Root Ferment: Preservative Link:...
Continue readingWith four full days of education and exhibits, there is so much to see and do at Natural Products Expo West. Whether you are interested in who's innovating in organic, learning more about regenerative agriculture, or hearing for yourself about the latest trends, this is...
Continue readingEn el video de hoy quiero compartir con todos vosotros como yo reutilizo los difusores de aromas, ya sabéis que no hay nada más relajante que después de terminar de limpiar, ponerle tu perfume favorito a tu casa. Espero que os sea muy útil este...
Continue readingVestige is 15 year old direct selling company which deals into highly authentic and quality products....
Continue readingస్వదేశి నాచురల్ ప్రొడక్ట్స్ ను ప్రారంబం by Vijay Ram|Natural Products Kukatpally|Hyderabad| #naturalproducts #organicfarming #hyderabad #kukatpally #naturalfarming #mefocustv...
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